Footballers And Their Cars — Manchester United

Mourinho vs Pogba and four other observations about the Premier League so far in April

Mourinho vs Pogba and four other observations about the Premier League so far in April

1. We may have forgotten this with the recent (short) run of results but,,,,Manchester City's emphatic win at Wembley at Spurs put paid to this short lived amnesia, reminding us that they are deserved champions,

2. Jose Mourinho's tactical approach continues to confuse United fans with the approach against WBA,

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How long will Manchester United fans tolerate Jose Mourinho?

How long will Manchester United fans tolerate Jose Mourinho?

The recent draw against Huddersfield may portend problems on the horizon for United under Mourinho. Here’s why:

  1. United fans may tolerate a pragmatic park the bus approach in away games to the likes of Liverpool, Arsenal and even Man City and the like if they can nick a draw and then turn it on in the games against lesser opponents, whether home or away. And they have been turning in high scoring exhilarating performances in games against poorer opposition during the first part of the 2017 EPL season. Until Huddersfield. For many United fans, the failure against Huddersfield means the defensive approach against Liverpool the week before was pointless (literally);
  1. Jose Mourinho spent almost a whole year picking and buying a player squad he was confident he could rely on in terms of agility to turn in strong performances, whether deployed in defensive or attacking tactical mode. Ander Herrera and Juan Matic, two key players in the squad mix, both performed poorly against Huddersfield. Although only the first defeat of the season, this is worrying for Mourinho and with City firing on all cylinders at the top of the league, he won’t be able to afford many more performances like that without testing the tolerance of United fans.
